Nautical Wedding Part III

Marianne’s photographer was also her friend and completely captured the twinkle in her eye and her playful personality. Her pictures are so beautiful and need no introduction or commentary, mine, on the other hand, need all the help they can get as you’ll be able to see at the bottom of this post. :)Beautiful photos by Brittany Dow Photography

Now my photos.
Brittany has no worries.

These are mostly for family but I thought I’d share…

“The bride and groom’s future looked so bright…”
or it could have been the 100 degree weather and facing west.

My ‘three men and a cousin’.

“Someone’s got to try out the margarita machine”.
Famous last words by
~ Cousin Andrea and Grandma JeanTheir self-sacrifice was truly touching.The grand entrance of the sky diving Elvis minister?

Nah, just your typical SoCal hills on fire in September.
Warning: Airplanes may be closer than they appear.
Really. No telephoto lens here….and finally what we’ve all been waiting for…The Ceremony
The Groom ~ Kenny

The bride’s sister, Jen and MOH and next to get married May 2011.

Finally a picture of the bride ~ Mizz!

“Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Hiccup & Sneeze”.
Truly, she will never have her new last name pronounced correctly again.
It really does sound like a hiccup and a sneeze. Bless you!

Tripping the light fantastic or tripping over the bride’s shoes?

Cousins Mizz and Son1.
Cousin Brian.
I think that says it all.

Did I happen to mention this is Mr. P. M.’s side of the family?
Just thought I would. No reason really.

All the grand kids with Grandma.
The day after and all back to ‘normal’.

Back to Phoenix, Tucson, NYC, Rancho Cucamonga (it really does exist), and northern Cal.

What a lovely, wonderful day!

Wishing the best of everything for you Mizz and for your Boostsie Man.

Thank you with all my heart for letting me be a big part of your very special day!
I loved it. And you!

Auntie Pasta


Nautical Wedding Part I
Nautical Wedding Part II

Nautical Wedding Part II

Another decorative task I was thrilled to be asked to be involved with was to bring in the nautical theme to the cake table. My niece being the resourceful person she is ordered cupcakes from Costco and to be very honest (and my niece knows this so no big revelation after the fact) the thought of cupcakes from Costco for her wedding didn’t exactly float my boat since I am a baking snob but I do own up to it…. [Read More]

Nautical Wedding Cookies

nautical wedding cooki favors

The big day came and went this weekend for my niece’s wedding and it was a wonderful day.My gift to her was making 160 decorated cookies with her nautical theme utilizing the affectionate term ‘soul mateys’. I modified my original design of stenciling ‘soul mateys’ on the cookie and decided on two cute hearts incorporating the ‘soul mateys’ on a tag instead.For the last two weeks and as far as the eye could see, my horizon has been filled with… [Read More]