“Nice” Gingerbread Men In Crazy Christmas Suits

Of all the Christmas treats I made this season it seems these “nice” guys in the crazy Christmas suits were loved by all.

The festive boys and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah or however you celebrate hope, peace and love this time of year.

crazy christmas suits nice gingerbread men

nice gingerbread men


“Naughty” Gingerbread Men Post


“Naughty” Gingerbread Men

naughty gingerbread men

A couple years ago my dear friend Trevor asked me to make him some “Naughty & Nice” gingerbread men cookies for his New Year’s Eve party. Apparently they were a big hit so now when the holidays come around it just seems like a natural thing to continue the fun tradition, albeit a nontraditional one.  So, do you think these little guys with the mischievous grins will be on Santa’s naughty list this year? Have a jolly “holly” day. šŸ˜‰… [Read More]

Naughty n’ Nice Gingerbread Men

S&M gingerbread men

Hello! This post might be a fine how-do-you-do after a five month blogging break but I realized something – I’ve never gave these spicy guys their own post page last year and like a good mother who loves all her baked children equally, I just had to. Thank you for indulging me. And of course, properly dressed for dinner. Carry On and Happy Holidays!