What I Learned At SCP Yesterday…

I was at South Coast Plaza yesterday. It is an outing. This is what I learned: The sales staff at Tiffany’s are courteous, friendly and professional.  She gave me a blue bag to take home although I shipped my gifts. The sales staff at Ralph Lauren’s are snobby, cold and aloof.  I wanted to tell the sales girl, “Honey, you may be 5’11”, thin as a whippet and twenty-something, but you’re the one working on a beautiful Saturday for minimum… [Read More]

The Trad Guy

I’ve always been a sucker for a guy in a pair of khakis, a long sleeve RL button-down shirt, tasseled loafers, a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers and the scent of Polo. This package is classic and timeless. This is Mr. P. M. and I have been raising two boys to fill his Sperry Top-Siders to continue the tradition. These three men have been ideal participants simply by possessing a Y chromosome which means they will wear practically anything that I… [Read More]

Wordless (sort of) Wednesday…

I found this in a gift shop this past weekend. Was thinking about spicing up the ol’ marriage … “Spice Up Your Life” ~ The Spice Girls


We’ll always remember where we were.

I Need A Facelift!

…for my blog. I’m cleaning house literally and figuratively and need a change.I love the look of so many other blogs out there.My problem is two-fold, since I love so many styles it is difficult for me to commit to just one look and I don’t know how to do anything technical.So I remain stuck. Does anyone have any ideas?How do you add nice spacers between posts?I want to add more pictures after I learn how to scan them.How do… [Read More]

My Mid-Life Crisis…

She’s sexy, fast and shiny and can go from zero to boiling in a matter of minutes. She’s never been test driven and is in her original condition. In fact, I have never actually seen her since once she was delivered and parked in our garage she has never been taken out of the box. She sits on top of the wooden palette longing to come inside. It’s a long and sorted story.One that required a full downstairs remodel to… [Read More]

Truly Remarkable.

If you haven’t seen this already it is incredible. Turn off my music on the sidebar and listen to the music that accompanies this video. Amazing! ‘Ukraine’s Got Talent’ winner Kseniya Simonova does something we’ve never seen before — drawing in the sand. Set to music, Simonova depicts the invasion of Ukraine by Germany in World War II.

Mad Men?

Is it just me or is anyone else left lukewarm with Mad Men this season?I forgave the season premier as I allowed for the catch up of the summer. For instance, we already knew Don Draper’s (D.D.) illustrious background. It did nothing for the story line, in my opinion, to know how he was named ‘Dick’. The first episode ran the gamut from boring to almost pornographic but it still did not hold my attention. The story lines seem disjointed… [Read More]

Civil Unrest For A Sunday Morning

This morning at 5:45 AM my husband, my family and I became ‘involved’, as they say. It was frightening and every moment as this event was unfolding I was having thoughts that I could be witnessing my husband in a potentially harmful situation.Before dawn, Son2 awoke to the unusual sound of a car dropping off 2 teenage-looking boys and heard their conversations about seeing an iPod as they approached our cars parked in our drive-way. For the past few summers… [Read More]

Stubbs & Wootton Fall/Winter 2009

Stubbs & Wootten Put on your pink & green needlepoint camis for covert preppy ops. Taking the dogs out for a walk. Boo! My favorite.