Before I take off for the college drop off I wanted to share some articles from the
‘college’ section of The Huffington Post
on studying tips and getting enough sleep that could benefit all students of any age.
You’ll find the college tab on the blue header. It’s easy to find.
The college section lists college trends, campus news, NCAA sports, articles by psychologists, professors, lecturers, economists and college students.
As you can see from the article links below, my area of interest is getting enough sleep.
Now I can send my boys links to the articles of the perils of sleep deprivation without the seemingly eye roll when I remind them to do so when we talk to them on Sunday nights.
Really. I can feel them doing this. I don’t need to see it.
It’s a completely new medium to nag and I am lovin’ it! 🙂
Here are a few articles this week I found interesting.
Hope you’ll find them useful too.
“9 Awesome Studying Tips For College Students”
“Your Performance and The Freshman 8”
(how insufficient sleep effects learning and memory)
“Changing Your Sleep Patterns”
“Keep Bed Bugs Out Of Your Dorm”
(I know. Ick. But did you know never to put your luggage on the bed in the hotel? Don’t want those little critters coming home with you!)
“Five Ways To Ace College Exams”
For High School students ~
“Which College Ranking Set You Should Use”
(Yes, Virginia, there really is more than just the US News & World Report)
Have a great weekend, friends!