Gingerbread Latte

I made the big mistake of tasting a gingerbread latte for the first time this weekend and can’t believe I have missed out all these years!

Here is a recipe I made although I used coffee since I don’t own an espresso machine.
You also make your own gingerbread syrup (OMGosh!).

I think this is the perfect hot drink for the coziness of Christmas Eve or to welcome friends who might drop by with a plate of cookies. If you know someone who loves gingerbread lattes, make them a batch of home-made syrup presented in a decorative jar with the recipe on a tag. Make sure you include on the tag to keep the syrup in the frig.


Gingerbread Latte

1/2 cup fresh espresso or coffee
8 oz. milk, steamed or hot

Gingerbread Syrup
2 c. water
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

To make the syrup ~
Combine water, sugar, ginger, cinnamon and vanilla in a medium saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil then reduce heat to simmer, uncovered for 15 minutes. Remove syrup from heat when done. Keep the cooled syrup in the refrigerator.

To make the gingerbread latte ~
Add 1/2 espresso to a 16 oz. cup. Add 1/4 cup of the gingerbread syrup followed by steamed or hot milk. Top off the drink with a dollop of whipped cream (optional) and a sprinkling of nutmeg, if desired.

* Wondering where my promised meringue stars are? It’s been raining here non-stop since Friday so I have not made them yet. It’s too humid in my kitchen with soups and stews cooking but I hope by Wed. there will be a break in the weather or in my cooking!

Eggnog Martini

While ‘researching’ cocktails for Christmas I came across this recipe for an Eggnog Martini. Eggnog never looked so good as in a martini glass! It’s a fun change from the typical eggnog and rum concoction placed in a mug or punch cup. Eggnog Martini ~ 2 cups store-bought eggnog2 cups amaretto liqueur2 cups vodkagingersnap cookiesground cinnamonground nutmeg Combine the eggnog, amaretto and vodka in a pitcher and chill at least 30 minutes.Crush gingersnaps in a food processor until they almost… [Read More]