Decorated Chick Cookies!

decorated chick cookies

One chick is back in the nest from college for spring break and I’ll have the other for a few precious days beginning tomorrow night so before I take a few days off to enjoy being a mother hen again I wanted to show you how easy these little cookie chicks are to make.

I could say I was making them for my chicks homecoming, (how cute would that be) but I really made them to try out for an order I have coming up.

decorated chick cookies

What You’ll Need:

decorated chick cookies
Chick cookie cutter or template
#2 Decorating tip
Pastry bag(s)
Black Dragees for the eyes (or black icing)
Sanding Sugar – pastel yellow
I used India Tree brand found at Williams-Sonoma. It’s fine in texture and light in color.

Royal Icing Colors~
Black (if not using dragees)
Americolor or Wilton gel color

Sugar Cookie Recipe and Instructions
Perfect Consistency Royal Icing Recipe and Instructions

Outline the chicks with a #2 tip in orange icing, making cute little feet.

decorated chick cookies
Fill in with thinned yellow royal icing (you can spoon it in) and add a dragee for the eye or use a dot of black icing.

Sprinkle with sanding sugar and let set until dry.

decorated chick cookies
Shake or brush off excess sugar from the cookies.

For presentation ~
Fill a small bowl, basket or add a very small bunch to a cello bag with Easter Grass.
I love this shredded paper from Williams-Sonoma.
A little goes a long way and it puffs up big time when you open the bag.

decorated chick cookiesOf course, add your chicks.

decorated chick cookies
I was wondering what a group of chicks is called.
Do you know? Hey, no Googling!!
The answer is in the comments section and yes, I had to look it up too. 😉

Enjoy your week.
This mother hen will surely be enjoying hers!