He’s Got My Vote!

Holy Moly! Looks like Massachusetts became a red state Tuesday night.A red HOT state! And they’re talking about this guy’s truck??(insert obvious manual transmission or stimulus package joke here) Unfortunately, I was only enlightened yesterday or I would have taken more interest in his senatorial race.*sigh* I love politics. So what if this spread is from 1982?Thank you Lady Kate for sending this to me.Really. Thank you.(But I did add the star. A great. big. star.) The Cookie of The… [Read More]


In 1976, my sophomore year at USC, I shared an apartment with three girls. Jana was my roommate. Nan, who shared a room with Sherry, had planned on marrying at the end of the school year and had asked Jana to be one of her attendants. She was thrilled and soon they began planning the wedding together. They talked about the usual stuff, dresses, travel plans to northern California, the parties that would ensue. They were both very excited to… [Read More]

Coming Of Age at Sav-On

It was any Saturday in the late 60’s. I would open the top drawer of my dresser and pull out the stack of silver quarters my father had given to me from a recent trip to Vegas. Nancy was coming over and picking me up on the way. She lived at 1115 and I, at 1128. She liked Ringo. I liked Paul. A few years earlier we both had to be transferred to afternoon kindergarten because we couldn’t get up… [Read More]

Not “The Big One” but …

…big enough!I am sitting here on my (black and white) laptop because I drank Mr. Pipp at 8 PM and I haven’t gone to bed yet. It is now 4:10 AM and we just had an earthquake. It was the kind I hate – a hard fast jolt that makes the house sound as if it could come down at any moment. No swaying of chandliers or roller coaster rides just sudden and harsh, the kind that tends to really… [Read More]

My Sweet Honeybaked Hamm….

Never mess with perfection.Never. Ever. … and if you need a second helping of Hamm on your plate this weekend….. The three season’s soundtracks are awesome. Leaving you with a pleasant thought for the weekend. 🙂Have a good one, my friends. Music tracks from Season 1 “Babylon” and “Lipstick”~ David Carbonara

Connections To Haiti

photo found on graphicsfairy My heart goes out to the lost souls in Haiti.Of those who survived, those who did not and those whose fate is still unknown.Their plight particularly touches my heart. Living on a fault line with the trepidation of ‘the big one’ in California always comes to the forefront of my mind when we have a shaker or when a significant one releases so much damage and heart break anywhere in the world. Growing up, I had… [Read More]

For The Love of Monograms

Pickard Monogram Williams-Sonoma I don’t need new china but I wouldn’t mind getting my “just dessert(s)” plates. I know. I don’t deserve them after that bad pun. Ahoy! A stowaway tear sheet from my treasure chest of wishful interiors. Tailored navy and white. Can’t you just feel the spray of the ocean on your face? Look familiar? The chair looks soooo much better with my monogram superimposed on it, don’t you think? Thank you Preppy Paper Girl! I love monograms… [Read More]

“Toe Tappin’ Tuesday Tunes” (I totally made that up)

The new Vampire Weekend CD comes out today.You can listen to it in its entirety here.And purchase it here.Makes for a happy Tuesday. I love their premiere album. Explicit lyrics and all. Enjoy! “M79” & “Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa” ~ Vampire Weekend

Book Report Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story

I have finished Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story. It was not what I was expecting. It was much better! Yes, they apparently did have a loving, physical relationship and were relatively open about it. The press corps of the 60’s were very different and little information would be considered mainstream like we know of things today. Every fact was quoted by name and cited. Footnotes and citations at the back of the book were extensive. I think readers might… [Read More]


I loved having this in my nest for the last couple of weeks ~ Now it looks like this ~ * sigh* I need to find something to fill it. After the holidays and paying two college tuitions by the end of the year, there is less padding in the nest, that’s for sure ~ I’m not picky though. I like shiny things too. “Here goosey, goosey, goosey!”~ But what is good for the goose, is good for the gander,… [Read More]