The Revenge Of The Princess

I came across this graphic and just loved it so I thought I would write a post around it.It reminds me of the line about kissing a few frogs before you find your prince. What is your favorite frog story? Shy? Okay I’ll go first… My first boyfriend in high school kept calling me by his old girlfriend’s name as our names were very similar. This was so painful to me. I was always in constant fear he would go… [Read More]

Happy Chinese New Year!

I have been a part-time student of Feng Shui for over 10 years. At my last count I owned over 25 books on the subject. What draws me into the philosophy, art, science or practice is striving for the delicate balance of energy. I feel the majority of us are sensitive to energy. I know I am. I’m also a tad superstitious and like to feel I have some control over my surroundings so this exotic mentality is highly appealing…. [Read More]

Beverly Hills 90064?

hollywood cookies

This week we went to a reception of the SoCal Alumni Assoc. of MIT at the Beverly Hills Country Club. Aside from the fact we were going to be able to meet the President of the school, Dr. Susan Hockfield, and wishing to extend our sincere appreciation for all our son has gleaned from drinking out of the firehose during these past four years, I was looking forward to stepping into the BHCC. I expected opulence, nouveau riche a la… [Read More]

“Knock. Knock.”

red entry doors with valentine decorations

“Who’s there?” “Valentine’s Week and do come in!!” I am in full Martha-mode today, making Tyler Florence’s Roasted Tomato Soup, and finishing up some special Valentine Fortune Cookies for special friends but before another storm front rolls in I went out outside today to show you welcoming love into my home starts at the front door. The door decorations were very easy to make out of 2 styrofoam heart shapes, a bunch of silk flowers, ribbon, heart picks and a… [Read More]

Window Shopping For A Friday

It was a little rainy today and I’ve got the sniffles so I thought we could go window shopping together… Let’s go to Jack and Lulu. Every page is a pop of color and pulpy happiness. I must confess to a serious pulp fascination. For one of my ‘dream jobs’, I would own a stationery shoppe ~ with two ‘p’s! I know exactly where I would hang this monogrammed piece in my girlie lavendar office. I think it would go… [Read More]

Are You A Mac or A PC?

Mr. P. M. and I were at the mall in the new Microsoft store. There are only 2 in the U.S. As far as I know, they may also be the only two in the galaxy. Why one happens to be in my mall, I couldn’t guess. I would think Mission Viejo would be way down on the list of cosmopolitan places they could have chosen. I would love to see the research on this decision.Anyway, I have been looking… [Read More]

Birthday Trees

birthday trees

Do you remember when you were very small you would ask me “When is my birthday?” We could have made marks on the calendar but I wanted to give you something to take with you as you grew into your life. We opened the door to the backyard and stepped outside. I held you as your little arms wrapped around my neck. ‘Look up,’ I said. ‘Those are your birthday trees and they will always tell you when your birthday… [Read More]

Confectionery Contraband

Did someone have an unhappy birthday party as a child? I am feeling the effects of the dragee ban in our environmentally conscientious state as my stash dwindles. We all love and grew up with these festive confections but it’s illegal to sell the pretty little metallic coated sugar balls that I use with abandon on my decorated cookies and cupcakes. It’s also prohibited to ship them into the state so I cannot buy them online! Something about minute traces… [Read More]

Blogger Tip :)

Being on the west coast and usually a late night poster, I LOVE opening my email in the morning, or anytime for that matter, to find you have left me a comment and I equally enjoy sending you a comment right back but sometimes I can’t because your comment email says ‘noreply.’ Have you ever wondered why is it that when someone leaves you a comment that is forwarded to your email that sometimes you see an email address you… [Read More]

Appearances. Appearances. Appearances.

‘No Frumpy’: Cornell’s Pi Phi Forbids American Apparel Leggings, ‘Gross, Plastic Shizzz’ by Britt Aboutaleb This morning, I was forwarded six pages worth of dress code requirements for Pi Phi’s Cornell chapter. Because it’s Friday, and they’re outrageous, I’m sharing. What does one wear to rush? If we had a sorority our rule would be there are no rules – we’d welcome vintage flannel and Dior couture heels in equal measure, but Pi Phi’s rush chair’s a bit more… [Read More]