Flurries of The Heart

I wished for a snow day today to play with all my snowflake cookie cutters. Not only did our usual sunny skies have no intention of performing a miracle but I also found myself on the couch with a cold. Day 3 in fact, so I can only plan my attack when I get back into the kitchen. For a girl who has only been in slightly falling snow once, snowflakes call to me. Every year I would make a… [Read More]

Snowmen Pops!

snowman marshmallow pops

A fun project to do with kids of any age. Last year I had son2 bring over a bunch of his buddies with their girlfriends and make these out of marshmallows. I just had to get my hands on a holiday project and have kids over. Even big ones! Stick 3 marshmallows on a long lollipop stick. Spoon melted white candy coating. Decorate with royal icing embellishments (hat, nose, eyes and buttons) Cake decorating stores usually sell these already made…. [Read More]

Hunks of Gingerbread

  My version of a gingerbread man… And for my close friends with whom I share pink martinis, gossip and a good laugh… Original designs. 🙂