Painting on Macarons

Happy Monday and the last day of September!

We had a delicious weekend.  I made 2 dozen tushie cookies with tushie tats for a bridal shower and assisted my son in making his multiple blue ribbon and division winning  chocolate cake.  We did our winning combo – he made the cake and icing and I iced the cake.  It was part of the celebration for my lovely niece’s birthday this weekend.  She and her husband just returned from two years in Australia and we are so happy to have them home again.  You can see a little Instagram video of the celebration (and the cake).

Today, I’m having fun painting on macarons!  It’s so easy.

Painting on Macarons

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of gold luster powder with enough vodka (few drops) to make a paint consistency and you’ve got edible paint.  It’s always best to start with a very small amount because a little goes a long way. Before I painted the cookies, I brushed them with pink petal powder to make the color of the cookies a little pinker and less peachy because, well, I like pink!

When you’re finished painting, let the vodka evaporate and you’ll have perfect left-over luster powder to use another day.

I think these macs with calligraphy or monogrammed would be pretty for a bridal shower, engagement party or as little bagged party favors.

Pretty pink macarons inspired my creativity today.  What inspired yours?  Any projects you’d like to share?  We’d love to hear!  🙂

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  1. These are gorgeous…can’t wait to try my hand at the gold painting!!

  2. You just keep getting better and better….you need a book!

  3. Beautiful. I can’t do small motor creativity, so I’ll just enjoy yours vicariously.

  4. Oh, my GOSH!! So lovely! Thank you for sharing your tips and techniques.

  5. Oh how beautiful! You are so darn creative, and your work is gorgeous. Brava!!!!

  6. Admiring Reader says:

    Hi! These are beautiful. I was wondering if you had any brush recommendations for macaron painting, and if so, do you mind sharing? 🙂

    • Marilyn says:

      Thank you! The brush was nothing special. Just a pointy tip and not very wide. Experiment with the look you like and what feels comfortable to you. That would be my best advice. 🙂