Archiving, Organizing, Planning, Dreaming and Setting Goals

test flag

Kipper Fest PS

Leto pink flag2

Christmas Gifts

Leto pink flag3

Kate Spade Organizer

Leto pink flag4


Leto pink flag5

pink martinis and pearls

See you next week when the boys are back at school, a birthday is celebrated and my house has been restored to pre-holiday status, or at least I’m hoping it is. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

What are some of your goals this year?  I’d love to hear them. 

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  1. My goal is to be the best me that I can be. Adore the kate spade planner! ADORE!!!!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten…aka…Madame Spoiled

  2. Setting realistic goals, baby steps, having a little fun along the way, leave all the clutter at the door;)


  3. Great list…i think the losing weight must be on everyones list! I hope to travel more, get more organized and try to judge less and be more tolerant:) But mostly to enjoy life one day at a time instead of working and hemming and hawing about things that haven’t even happened……enjoy and happy 2013!

  4. I can relate to all of the above comments.. this year- my # 1 goal is to get ORGANIZED.. I am hoping if I can achieve this… everything else will fall into place.. including making my house a HOME.. losing the unwanted weight etc…
    Great blog! 🙂

  5. I can’t seem to scroll past the 100mm lens and that Kate Spade bracelet eye candy – need a stronger intention/resolution– hehehe

  6. This reminds me that I need to get organized and that adorable Kate Spade planner sounds like a wonderful start! I love it!!! Glad I found you blog 🙂

    xo, Jenna

  7. Do you by any chance have the Kate Spade planner and would be willing to sell it? It’s my dream planner!

  8. My wife really loves your pink planner and would make a great gift if your willing to let it go. They don’t sell them anymore and I can’t find them anywhere. I saw you were using another planner so i though i would ask. Thank you for sharing and letting us have a glimpse in your daily life was nice to read and thank you for your time. My wife also has Kate spade planners and all the washy tape and clips you girls do with your planners lol maybe you guys can trade some stuff and I will pay for it to of course. Please let me know as this would make her so very happy she said this is her unicorn lol don’t know what that means maybe you do.