Under The Weather…

Yep. That’s where I’ve been. Why isn’t there a term ‘over the weather‘ when we’re feeling chipper and good? Anyway, because of this I haven’t been on the computer or at my camera so the Meri Meri cupcake kit give-away will take place on Monday.Thanks for your patience. Have an ‘over the weather’ weekend. šŸ™‚


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  1. Awe šŸ™

    I hope you are feeling better really soon!!

    Much love, D

  2. Boo! It’s going around. I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Hope you feel better soon my friend!!

  4. Feel Better, Friend! XOXO

  5. Have a wonderful weekend…..feel better!

  6. Feel better soon..around here with the weather turning, people are starting to get sick too….tis the season!

  7. Daphne, Lisa,”Lily”,”P101″,Kathy and Tina ~ Thank you! xoxo

  8. I hope this finds you feeling better and enjoying a fun start to the new week.


  9. I’ll bring you Chicken Soup so you can be well by tomorrow šŸ™‚

  10. Chicken soup is always good. šŸ™‚