Thinking of You

My thoughts and prayers go to my blogging friends on the east coast this weekend as you hunker down. Keep safe.xoxo

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  1. Thanks! Earthquake and Hurricane all in one week…I’m starting not to like Mother Nature!

  2. I’ve never seen so many boats on trailers as I have the past couple of days! The subs have been sent out, the marinas are almost empty and I have wine and chocolate supply ready and waiting πŸ™‚

    I’m much more concerned about my son who is in NC ~ sometimes it just hurts being a parent!


  3. Seriously! Both of my children are in NYC! xoxo

  4. Thank you. Without power for a little while this morning, but it is back on now. We are on the tail end of the storm based on where it hit landfall. We’ve been spared here in Raleigh

  5. Tricia~ odd stuff for sure. Let’s hope this is it!

    Jo~ I hope everything went well. It seems NC got quite a bit of damage.

    P101~ I thought of your family. Thankfully, it looks like NYC was spared. πŸ™‚

    Leigh~ Lights for while isn’t too bad. So glad it wasn’t more and that you and your family are okay. πŸ™‚