This makes me want to get out more often.We then continued up PCH to Newport to the Big Newport theater. What makes it ‘big’? The main theater holds 1,108 and is not the typical stadium seating. The floor gradually inclines and the screen is huge – 40′ x 80′, the largest on the west coast, so the website says. The room is cavernous and unexpected and is a real treat to watch a movie in this setting.
We had just come from another screening room, still quite impressive with a big screen albeit with less seating, having seen True Grit (recommended) and we thought we’d hit the late night showing of The King’s Speech. Mr. PM and I were numbers 3 and 4 to sit down. Then it happened ~ numbers 5 and 6 sat right in front of us!! Come on! They had 1,104 other seats to chose from! Both Mr. PM and I burst out laughing and the guy asked us if we would like them to move. I was dumb struck. First, from the obvious and second, that if he had to ask wasn’t that a clue he could be more considerate without our prompting? For some reason, I think I was still in shock from his audacity, I told him if we needed to move we would. Mr. PM was more tolerant (and taller) than I and of course I couldn’t let this go. I was comically ticked that there were over 1,100 seats to chose from and he and his date chose the only 2 that would obscure our view. We moved over about 4 seats to the left. About 10 minutes later another couple sat in front of us – again! There were still over a thousand seats to chose from. What were the odds? We then moved over to the far right of the original screen blockers and I put my bag in the seat in front of us just in case until the movie got started. In total there were only about 20 people in the theater when the movie began.
It’s moments like these that makes me wonder why I go out.
It’s Colin Firth’s acting that makes me happy I did.
Hilarious post! I’m with you on the guy who asked if y’all wanted them to move – đŸ™‚ Have a great week. xoxo
What are these people thinking? I wonder the same thing, about the same thing, all the time:).
That happens to me all the time! When I used to take the bus I would be allllll alone and the next person on would sit rght next to me. Like sheep!
haha that’s crazy! i don’t understand that either. if i walked into a theater that big and saw another couple sitting down in a particular row, i’d at least pick 2-3 rows apart, and not directly in their view!
glad you had a fun dinner in Laguna though!
So funny when it’s assigned seating and the theater is empty people still sit where assigned just cracks me up!! Have a great week!
That really is hysterical! I cannot believe they sat right in front of you. It just proves that people migrate to people. That is a huge theatre. Wow! And right in front, twice! Quite a night!
I will never understand the general public. Sometimes I wonder how certain people make it through the day! I’ve put that restaurant in my “favorites” folder; DOTR and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary this year by adding a few days on to an insurance company trip at Pelican Hill resort in Newport Beach so we will need things to do. Maybe even see a movie? ;-}
Human nature …. but it certainly is interesting. It must have been movie date night Mr. G. and I saw Little Fockers tonight and it was funny. Living outside a small town the theatre is often empty on Sunday nights …. we have been lucky the few people (8-12 of them) that came in scattered themselves throughout … leaving clear views for all…xo HHL
Haha! I had the same thing happen to me this weekend (while watching The Fighter). It is crazy how clueless so many are! Hope you enjoyed the movie. đŸ˜‰
I really want to try Modo Mio…thanks for the tip.
Mary Ann