Terrific Tote

I waded through all my Cyber Monday emails today and found a new source for a tote bag in my favorite 2-color combination ~

Hot pink and a bright buttery yellow.

I liked these too. Sometimes, all one needs is something pretty to look at.

It was like a breath of fresh air amid ads of every possible electronic gift imaginable.

Thanks Ame & Lulu.
I needed that.

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  1. Gorgeous!

    I am lovin’ on that pink and green little number!

    Mrs. Kindergarten

  2. How gorgeous!

  3. whoa those bags are fabulous:)

  4. I love hot pink and yellow, too – a great combination – reminds me of the Caribbean or Hawaii and it’s so bright and cheerful. It’s a great little tote.

  5. Fabulous find!!! One of each please.. šŸ˜‰

  6. Tres cute!! I am on my way to check them out!

  7. Very nice. I’m loving the last one in black, white and green.
    Cheers, jj

  8. I think hot pink and a bright buttery yellow might just be MY new favorite color combo now too!

  9. I love those bags!

  10. those bags are gorgeous!


  11. A new source for totes–thank you!