Buckingham Palace Flickr Page

“Well done”!

The royal family opens its family albums on the Buckingham Palace Flickr page.

600 photos will be initially launched.

Elizabeth is one hip granny!

Apparently she even Tweets too!

The Duke and Duchess of York and Elizabeth.

Cutie patootie princes.

Victoria and Albert.

“Ta-Ta & Cheerio!”

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  1. I’m impressed that the Queen is so with-it… and I love that picture of Princess Di, she was always my favorite. xxx

  2. So cool! I had a great time looking through the pictures.

  3. That is awesome. I’m a big Anglophile. Princess Di was my favorite.

  4. Candy ~ Yes, Di. Fabulous. 🙂

    Making Stuff ~ Fun to see how the other .999 lives. 🙂

    Dana ~ I wonder what she would have been doing now. She must be so proud of her boys. 🙂

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this!! Dying over the Mad Men cookies. You’re genius. Please let’s go into business 😉 Move to Tennessee stat. xoox

  6. these are way too cool!