My Birthday vs. The Lakers

Today is my birthday.
Tonight is the final NBA game with the Lakers playing.
Thus lies the dilemma.

Before game 6, I was offered my favorite restaurant to dine at tonight ~
Studio at the Montage Resort.
In Laguna Beach.
On top of a cliff.
At sunset.

But when it was realized “The Game” would be played on Thursday night I could sense the minds of three guys switching gears wondering which sports bar might be the nicest to take mom to.

(If they ever want to see a warm chocolate chip cookie again) …. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m still feeling that ‘vacation high’ from my wonderful 10 day trip a couple weeks ago so I don’t have that need to be treated to something particularly special or to be worshiped for the day.

As for a birthday wish list, for once, I almost could go for the new frig I’ve been looking at in lue of a trinket. I said almost. A new double convection oven with shiny cobalt blue interiors was installed yesterday along with a new 42 decibel dishwasher installed two days before that. I know, really, it’s just a matter of time and promotion until the frig joins its kitchen comrades without the need to squander a wish on an appliance. I once told Mr. P.M. never to give me anything for Mother’s Day or my birthday that needs to be plugged in. It was more of a warning then, but this year I’ll probably rescind that threat and play the appliance card since there’s nothing I crave, long for or lust after worthy of any birthday gift or wish.

I have to say though, it’s a nice feeling and yet kind of strange not to have anything on my mental splurge list but it’s because this birthday I’m complacent, content, satisfied. Warm.
All my key players are in the clubhouse today and for the next 2 months.
A roster I haven’t seen for the last 4 years.
This is truly the best gift and what I want to celebrate so I’m inviting Kobe and his team to my party so we can all be together tonight.

On Sunday with the basketball season over we’ll be changing sports
and going to The Montage for a double header ~
Birthday and Father’s Day.
Afterall, who better to share the pitching mound with than my co-manager.

Signing off early to warm up! ~ Have a wonderful weekend, BF’s! ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. Aww that’s so cute. As nice as it sounds to go to that restaurant in Laguna, it’s cool to just want to hang out and do something more low key too! Happy happy birthday!!!!

  2. Happy, Happy birthday!!! You’re one of the first blogs I found, the absolute first “button” I added…. and did you know we’re birthday twins?? Today is my birthday, too! Enjoy your day!

  3. Happy Birthday Pink! Sounds like a wonderful celebration for Sunday, and a fridge would be fab to join your new kitchen trio. We must be practical once in awhile ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Go Lakers!!

  4. Joyeux anniversaire ! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Happy Birthday. Go Celtics. haha.

  7. Happy Birthday celebrations…you sound very happy and content…a good place to be!

  8. Happy Birthday! I hope it’s a happy one and at least the Lakers win!

  9. Happy Birthday to you! I know that our butts will be firmly planted on the sofa to watch our Lakers win!!

  10. Happy Birthday! And Go Lakers! Sometimes that’s the best way to celebrate, a shared enthusiasm.

  11. Have a wonderful birthday! I hope it’s in Laguna!

  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you! So far it started off great with an email from the chef in Vermont with the maple marinated roasted pork with the raspberry BBQ sauce. Such a score on my part. I can’t wait to share. Next I’m meeting my SIL who schlepped 2 large duffles of clothes from Boston for us. I can’t wait to wash our dirty clothes from our trip!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Keeping it real. hahaha

  13. Happy Birthday, friend! I love the picture of Kobe with the birthday hat! So funny! I’m celebrating you today!!!!! xoxo

  14. Happy birthday!!!

  15. Happy Birthday!!! The Lakers are killing me this year. I get so nervous watching that I have to switch channels back and forth. ๐Ÿ™‚ I so want them to win it all!! xoxo

  16. It’s your birhday?? Oh Sweetie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And being the nba follower that I am, I can understand your dillema ๐Ÿ˜‰ Go Lakers!! But what am I going to watch when the playoffs are all over?? I’m going to have to wait for football I guess!

  17. Great post.
    Sending you hugs and birthday wishes for a most spectacular day!!!

  18. happy birthday!!

  19. Happy Birthday! Mine is tomorrow!

  20. HOPE your day is AWESOME!!! Happy happy bday!!!!!

  21. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, my friend! Wherever you end up spending your evening, I am sure your boys will make it spectacular!!
    Have a fantastic weekend!!

  22. You are darling! I love the metaphors/analogies; I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend and an amazing year full of blessings! xoxo

  23. Happy Birthday!!! Fun post. I know that it’s truly your best gift to have your boys there with you. Enjoy the dual celebration Sunday! And enjoy that new oven and dishwasher, too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. Happy Birthday! I hope it was wonderful… I think I would have done the same thing in terms of celebrating. There are lots of us Geminis out here in the blogosphere!

  25. Tell us how your birthday went last night!! And our team won! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  26. I’m a day late but want to wish you a very special Happy Birthday. The greatest gift of all is having your family with you ~ well, most of the time ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hope you had a wonderful day!
