My Sweet Honeybaked Hamm….

Never mess with perfection.
Never. Ever.

… and if you need a second helping of Hamm on your plate this weekend…..

The three season’s soundtracks are awesome.

Leaving you with a pleasant thought for the weekend. šŸ™‚
Have a good one, my friends.

Music tracks from Season 1
“Babylon” and “Lipstick”~ David Carbonara

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  1. He is one fine slice of Hamm!Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I agree 100%!!

    Off to Maryland, have a great weekend!

  3. Mmmmm he is still yummy!
    Just imagine you have been on a cabin type vacation and he forgot is razor :O)

  4. ewww, razors were invented for a reason.

  5. Love the name of your blog! Stopping in from SITS to say hi!

  6. I prefer my Hamm sans beard! Maybe Brad Pitt has started some kind of Hollywood trend!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Has he lost his ever-loving mind? Has to be for a role? Or maybe wifey is trying to “ugly him up” a bit because of people like me who love him. šŸ˜‰ xoxo