The Holiday Blues

When you have lyrics like…

“I haven’t had a drink this evenin’ baby
But I’m all lit up like a Christmas tree”


“Gave me a diamond ring for Christmas
And now I’m living in paradise”

How can anyone possibly have the holiday blues?

B.B. is my featured music today. Enjoy.

“Merry Christmas, Baby” ~ B.B. King

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  1. Oh, my gosh, being a product of the sixties and going to nursing school in New Orleans, I really love the blues…B. B. King is one of my all time favorites! Even at 8AM!!!

  2. I clicked over from my Reader just to listen:).

  3. I’m not but I have family that is! Love the lyrics. xoxo


    ps I know, right? Why do I have to be english etc. I’m sure it will all go well but thx for the kind words

  4. I love it…you have the best taste!!

  5. My favorite BB King Christmas song is “Back Door Santa”. “I make my runs about the break of day. I make all the little girls happy while the boys are out to play.” Check it out.

  6. I love B.B. King! Saw him at an outdoor summer concert when we lived in Atlanta a few years ago.