Hunks of Gingerbread


My version of a gingerbread man…hunk of gingerbread man cookie
And for my close friends with whom I share pink martinis, gossip and a good laugh…
Original designs. πŸ™‚

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  1. Too cute! Like your festive background too!

  2. Cute & yummy too!

  3. Apparently, I missed a lot while gone to Galveston… But, I am finally catching up. Whew! The 12 Gays of Christmas was the highlight of my day. I loved them!

  4. Where can I get one of Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day it is nice to meet you. Have a wonderful holiday season πŸ™‚

  5. LOL Those are awesome!!!

  6. Too cute!

  7. Now, that’s my kind of cookie!

  8. So yummy!

  9. I never knew gingerbread could be hot…:)

  10. “ooh, break me off a piece of that!”

    {do you know the movie?}

  11. Haha. How perfect for a girl’s Christmas cocktail party or a Christmastime bachelorette party?

    Love it.

  12. You have an award on my blog πŸ™‚
    expect guests!

  13. Hilarious! I want to make some now!

  14. This is HILARIOUS. And gives me such a craving for gingerbread … πŸ™‚

  15. Stopping by from SITS! Love your blog.

  16. Stopping in from SITS. These are hilarious. I remember my friends and I making similar ones after a few glasses of wine. I think mine had a paisley tie!

    Thanks for the laugh and for bringing back a favorite memory. I’m going to have to send a link to my friends!

  17. Those are too cute! Did you hand-cut those or do you have a cookie cutter like that? Too hilarious! Found you at Bake at 350’s Flavor of the Month linky.

  18. I love these!! How super cute and fun!
    That strategically placed holly is hilarious!

  19. Oh My GOSH!!! These are TOO funny! Love the strategically placed holly! πŸ˜‰

    Thank you so much for linking these up!

  20. Ummm…hilarious! LOVE those hunks. Such a wonderful change from the regular shape everyone expects! πŸ˜€

  21. How cute are these?!! Love them!

    Ally @ High Heels & Aprons

  22. These are hilarious! Love em’ Just found your blog through Bake at 350. I love it! I’m also blogging from the OC in Ladera. Happy New Year!

  23. Very original gingerbread man:) Ha Ha! Happy New Year!

  24. So GREAT!
    Love the Holly.