Sugar Daddy Ken

The Real Mattel Deal.

Part of the Palm Beach Barbie in~crowd.

West Highland Terrier included.

The official name of the doll is Sugar’s Daddy Ken. Sugar, being the terrier but people are calling him “Sugar Daddy Ken.”
There is also another controversy.
Some think Ken is clearly a Palm Springs Ken.
I concur.

Naturally, Ken would not be seen without seasonal accoutrements ~ swim trucks, non-glare broad spectrum UV blocking shades, sandals, SPF 30 sunscreen and designer bottled artesian water. Surprisingly, there is no chew toy for Sugar.

While we ponder the question of “who’s your daddy” on Sugar and Barbie’s behalf, it is apparent Ken has matured to become quite the gentrified Silver Fox. No doubt he would be welcomed at either Palm locations. If we look at his wardrobe we see he is confidant who he is and comfortable with his place in the Mattel family like the flamboyant eccentric uncle everyone loves. He may no longer be at the end of Barbie’s pink leash but Ken will always be somebody’s b**ch.
Now he’s Sugar’s.

Debuts Spring 2010 when it’s proper to wear white pants and loafers.

Selling at $69.99?
Better find yourself a sugar daddy.

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  1. Hahah, that things is hilarious. At $60 too, you better have a sugar daddy! Hahah.

  2. Oh my, he’s aged well!

  3. Too funny! By the way I love your new header!

  4. Is this real, I am feeling slow today and can’t tell a joke…
    if it isn’t, wow. And, where is his 21 year-old companion?


  6. so… who’s the target market?

  7. Yes, this is real and it’s made by Mattel. The target market are adult collectors. There are also two Palm Beach Barbies. Very 60’s looking. Here’s a link to an article:

  8. That is too funny!!

  9. Is that a skirt? Does he wear it? More power to him…:)

  10. How cute and you are very clever! Love it:)

  11. Oh my gosh, this cracks me up!! It is the water bottle that got me! Too much 🙂

  12. This totally cracked me up! Who thinks up this stuff? I mean, really?

  13. My mother-in-law said she could not find my daughter a Ken doll, I better pass this link along…j/k

  14. Haha this is too funny…I would die if I saw someone actually buying this haha.