Wordless (sort of) Wednesday…

I found this in a gift shop this past weekend.

Was thinking about spicing up the ol’ marriage …

“Spice Up Your Life” ~ The Spice Girls
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  1. What exactly is it? A season? Too funny ..I love Paula Dean.

  2. Oh. My. Word.

    Please say that’s for a piece of pork! šŸ˜‰

    That is too funny.

  3. Yes, it is seasoning but the packaging did not say one word about pork butt which is also why I thought it was funny. If the reader didn’t know how to cook or how to use it it could be very interesting. Didn’t know Paula was expanding her line into personal potions. šŸ˜‰ Don’t “y’all” just love her? I do!!

  4. Oh My! Does it work on derriere cellulite, LOL?

    I do just adore Paula Deen! What a great Southern lady!

  5. That’s hilarious and so Paula. When mini#1 was 3 we met her at her restaurant in Savannah. She was so sweet to him. He loved her and had been saying her name over and over during lunch, but when we went to speak to her he clammed up!