Destination: Wedding

The destination wedding we are going to is in 2 days. It is truly in the middle of nowhere to my way of thinking. The biggest airports are either LAX or San Francisco and this location is equidistant to both. This means a long trip by car, around 6 hours. Friends have called to inform me of the traffic we will probably hit. Seems the processional to Neverland is also headed the direction we are going. I really hope we miss the side show.
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  1. That picture is breathtaking! Wow!!

    And yes, I really hope you guys miss the traffic to Neverland…I don’t even want to imagine that mess!

    Have a wonderful time at the wedding–I’m always a sucker for a wedding 🙂

  2. How beautiful! I am sure you will have a blast!

  3. Have a great time – Hope the traffic is not too bad!! xoxo

  4. What a beautiful area of the country. I hope its fabulous and please give us a recap when you get back!!

  5. Hope you have a wonderful time look forward to hearing about it. Good luck with the traffic!

  6. Looks like you’re in luck…since everyone is going to the Staple’s Center!