If anyone knows me well they know I do not like taking any pills whatsoever. No vitamins (although I will force myself on occasion as I am trying to get in the habit of Omega 3) and no drugs of any kind. I am convinced it must be a past-life thing but I don’t care to regress to find out what that is all about.
I just want some relief and being the desperate person this bug has lead me to become, I am now on antibiotics, wishing I would have done more Kegels and have gone through an entire box of Benadryl as I go from the couch, to bed, and back again. My child is convinced I have the swine flu and looks at me very worried. No fever or sore throat so I believe I am in the clear and I am writing so I am taking this as a good sign although I don’t have the interest to even click on the J. Crew email ad that came in today with 20% off online purchases so I know all is still not well.
(that was my attempt at some bedside humor)
I am writing with a plea.
What remedies work for you? My mother believed in hot water and whiskey right when she felt a cold coming on but if you took it when the cold had set, it would make it worse. It was the only time I ever saw her reach for the hooch. That bottle of Canadian Club must have been 20 years old if a day.
I would appreciate all motherly advice, old wife’s tales and known wisdom should you care to send my way.
Thank you.
Ok, I love your choice of music today. So sorry you are feeling so icky. I have no magic potions but when I am sick sick sick, I try to sleep as much as possible, drink everything in site, make too many trips to the potty, and try to sit outside in some sunshine if possible. I hope you are back in the PINK, soon! Andrea
the old Jewish remedy for anything that ails you… chicken soup.
sorry… that’s all I got.
Rest, Emergen-C, hot tea with lemon, a lot of water, and smelly Vicks Vapo-Rub (if it’s respiratory). Also, lavender, eucalyptus, pine and peppermint essential oils in an aromatherapy diffuser. Feel better soon!
Chicken soup does help . . . and tons of fluids. But the best thing is REST and SLEEP!! It’s the miracle drug đ Hope you are better soon!! xoxo
Hope you feel better soon! My husband swears by Thera-flu, that powder you mix in with hot water.
It’s true. Sleep and rest does it every time.
Of course, I’m a big epsom bath person for whatever ails ya!
What was that concoction that Samantha swore by in Sex & The City? Cough syrup in a blender with Ginger Ale? Not positive. Always wanted to try it though!
I HATE being sick. It’s miserable. I was sick for a week in late January. When I don’t even want to get up and go to TJ Maxx, I know it’s bad….The only plus was that I lost a few pounds…..
The Indians had a great therapy…lots of whisky and a steam bath! Feel better soon!
Thank you so much for your well wishes and advice. I put some of your advice to use yesterday. I took in some sunshine, upped my fluids, did absolutely nothing but watch daytime TV and Roman Holiday was showing (fav movie), and drank hot water with lemon and honey. I forgot about the epsom salts and have never tried Thera-Flu. Good suggestions. Thanks again, friends. đ
My parents always swore on hot tea with lemon, honey and whiskey. It does make you feel a little better. I’m sure your antibiotics are kicking in by now. I’m not sure when you started, but they take 24 hours to start working. Oh I’m so sorry your sick. That is the worst feeling. I hope your better real soon!
oh antie pasta!! =( i go for the thera-flu, sun shine and a blanket during the day and a warm kitty curled up on my chest come night time!….however the god send of all medicine is Afrin nose spray….ahhhhhh-mazing! you dont realize how much you take breathing for granted until one nostril is compleately stuffed and the other one has 15% function…and you lay on one side and you get intense pressure, so you roll over and everything drains over, but not completely so you are gasping thru your mouth, til you finally sit up in bed and everything kinda drains back down agian….just to repete. ugh. no fun. get lots of sleep!
see you mothers day..maybe?