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Ginormous Cinnamon Roll – Easy, Impressive and Beyond Delicious!

I’m revisiting one of our family’s favorite annual traditions – the making of our Giant Cinnamon Roll for the holiday season!

It’s so easy, really. If you can make dough “snakes” from packaged bread dough, dip them in butter and them sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar and wind it up in a spiral, you’ve just made a ginormous cinnamon roll. And the best part – it can rise in the fridge overnight and everyone wakes up in the morning to this glorious fragrance of warm cinnamon and fresh baked bread as the day begins.

What makes this recipe so much fun is this is a great family project and kids LOVE getting involved. In fact, when my boys were little they used to watch me make it, then they helped when they were bigger and now grown and on their own they’ll come home for the holidays and make it together and now I watch! I know it will always be a tradition they will share with their own families when the time comes. This makes me very happy. It just does.

As you can see the finished cinnamon roll is pretty impressive which is kind of the point. It’s unexpected and knocks socks off of any holiday guests that might be visiting.  Of course, it goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway, it tastes  unbelievably good. Beyond good. Caramel-ly juicy lick your fingers kind of good and who doesn’t love that?

giant cinnamon roll

I’d love to hear if you’re making it for the first time or you’ve made it before. I know a lot of you have and like always, I love sharing the baking love so you can experience a bite of heaven too and make it your own family tradition.

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year. Thank you for visiting me today.

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“Nice” Gingerbread Men In Crazy Christmas Suits

crazy christmas suits nice gingerbread men

Of all the Christmas treats I made this season it seems these “nice” guys in the crazy Christmas suits were loved by all. The festive boys and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah or however you celebrate hope, peace and love this time of year.   “Naughty” Gingerbread Men Post   SHARE THIS POST:

Toffee Caramel Bars With Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk

toffee bars

Sometimes it’s nice to put down the pasty bag and make something that you know is just going to be so delicious on its own. I’ve been craving these yummy soft coookie/toffee/chocolate topped bars this holiday season. I knew they would be the perfect dessert to feature Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk which is one of the ingredients that makes the toffee center of these easy-to-make bars. Look at those sweet soft layers! The bottom layer is a shortbread dough… [Read More]

“Naughty” Gingerbread Men

naughty gingerbread men

A couple years ago my dear friend Trevor asked me to make him some “Naughty & Nice” gingerbread men cookies for his New Year’s Eve party. Apparently they were a big hit so now when the holidays come around it just seems like a natural thing to continue the fun tradition, albeit a nontraditional one.  So, do you think these little guys with the mischievous grins will be on Santa’s naughty list this year? Have a jolly “holly” day. 😉… [Read More]

Decorated Cut-Out Knitted Mitten Cookies with Krusteaz

decorated knitted mitten cookies Krusteaz

Are you baking to give as gifts or for a cookie exchange? If you want to try a new cookie recipe you might want to head over to the Krusteaz site where you can take the Holiday Cookie Helper quiz to find your cookie personality with a recipe. It’s fun and it’ll give you ideas and tips on trying something new. Krusteaz will also send you a coupon for a cookie mix where you can sign up to win a… [Read More]

A Knitted Decorated Birthday Cake

knitted decorated cake

This is my last post that highlights some of the details of the big family gathering for my mother-in-love’s 95th birthday party! If you’ve been reading along you’ll know her family is pretty much in awe of this special lady. At 95 she is still very active and gets around and is tech savvy! She is on Facebook, writes emails and prints her own photos. She might even do Facetime with her great-grandchildren, it wouldn’t surprise me. We celebrated her… [Read More]

Autumn Birthday Decorations

sunflower arrangement

I know we are fully into the Christmas season but if you’ve been following my blog, Instagram page or Instagram Stories in particular, you’ve seen a few photos of our family’s big celebration for the birthday of our matriarch! We called this special day the “Jean-a-palooza 95” because Jean turned 95! My mother-in-love is an amazing woman who is active, is on Facebook, sends emails, prints out her own photos and is the founder of a knitting group at her… [Read More]

A Thanksgiving Day Birthday – Jeanapalooza #95!

Thanksgiving Birthday Pumpkin with Sprinkles

We have a big celebration happening in our family on Thanksgiving Day! The matriarch of our family, my mother-in-love, turns 95! I’ve written about her before as 5 years ago we hosted her 90th “Jeanapalooza”. She’s pretty incredible and her birthday is a big deal for our family as all her children, grand children and great-grand children will be here for her. What makes the day even more fun is that her birthday is actually on Thanksgiving this year so… [Read More]

Succulent Pumpkin Arrangement DIY

succulent pumpkin arrangementDIY

If you’re a guest this Thanksgiving and the host or hostess has got the menu covered, I’ve got a different idea for you as a special gift to give. Flowers are lovely and always welcome but how about making a succulent pumpkin arrangement for something a little more unique? I think you’ll be surprised how easy it is to put together. Things you’ll need: Pumpkin (grocery store, home improvement store or nursery) Sheet Moss (home improvement store – I found… [Read More]


succulent pumpkin arrangement

Hello! You might or might not have noticed but I’ve been MIA from blogging for quite awhile. There’s been a lot of reasons – all varied from family life, a desired break and a strong desire to lead a healthier, less-stress lifestyle. The latter means there’s been a detour from sweets and confections from my favored drug of choice – sugar. I know. A tad ironic and possibly problematic for a blog with “sweets” prominently featured in its title. I’ve… [Read More]